Wednesday, September 29, 2010

THE CLIMAX?!?!?!?!?!

I've enjoyed the book so far, however, the climax was a little disappointing, a little too predictable. Mercer being an android was way too easy to pick up, especially when juxtaposed with the TV and radio personality, they both seemed "too good to be true." I'm very curious to see how the book is going to end and how Rick ends up. I'm also very curious about Rachel, is she going to die at the end? Will she end up with Rick?!


  1. I agree that the climax was disappointing. I figured that there would be some sort of dramatic twist. The author used plenty of unseen twists within his story. I was expecting something crazy like Rick was actually an Android who just had an implanted memory and kept reliving the same few months without knowing it.

  2. I agree...the whole thing was a bit predictable. Though it kinda took me by surprise for some reason. I believe that Rachel is going to end up with Rick in the end....thats my prediction on it.
